Good grief……yesterday I did it again. Twice.
We recently moved after living in the same home for 6 years.
In true Heather fashion, I drove to the wrong neighborhood on autopilot on two separate occasions. The second time I literally drove by the entrance to my new neighborhood and didn’t realize what I had done until I reached my old neighborhood 5 minutes later. ????♀️
Both times I was on the phone, hands free of course, but my brain was completely relying on my subconscious brain.
This major faux pas really got me thinking about how powerful the subconscious brain really is. I mean for goodness sake, I have lived in my new home for over 2 weeks and have owned it for over a month, yet my brain still wanted to guide me to where it felt comfortable – the pattern I had repeated hundreds, if not thousands of times.
When we start doing deep, inner work, we begin to wake up, take accountability and realize our thoughts always create our results. Yet it can become frustrating as we start to change our thoughts on the conscious level towards what we want, it can take time to convince the rest of your brain that the new reality you are creating is even possible.
Think about it. The human body sends 11 million bits per second to the brain for processing, yet the conscious mind can only process roughly 50 bits per second.
As you work to create your new reality, your upgraded future, I would highly recommend you be persistent, yet gentle on yourself in the process. Remember it is a marathon, not a sprint.
I truly believe some thoughts can be changed in an absolute instant. Since many have been running in the back of your mind for a very long time, they might take a little longer to shift – however, they will shift.
I am certain in time, my entire brain will understand that I no longer live in Timnath. In the meantime if you see a little, white BMW making a U-turn out of the Timnath Ranch subdivision, you can I assume I still have some work to do! ????♀️????
As always, sending you all so much love!